Monday, January 28, 2013

7 Steps - How to Make Your First iPhone App

Nowadays you can create an iPhone or iPad app or game in 4 weeks and make serious money selling it - even if you have no programming skills. And it would seem almost everyone and your neighbour is having a go. Which means the iPhone - and iPad - app market is full of people jostling to be seen and heard.
So, competition is tough, but all the time people are inventing new ways of automating tasks we either don't want to do, or can't physically do. Like there's an app for turning your lights on and off when you're away from home. If you can think it up, there's probably an app for it - or will be.
And making your own app, isn't as difficult as you might think - you don't need to be a professional developer to create one. Here are some of the steps you should take when considering how to make your own app:
Be aware of the competition
People often say it all starts with a great idea. Well, yes, But be aware that someone may already have come up with the same idea long before you. So before creating anything, check out what other people are doing. This will help you avoid duplicating what's out there and inspire you to produce something original.
Get it down to a niche - games, electronic gadgets, your fridge and freezer... just try to narrow it down. Funny apps often do well. Whatever you go for, make sure your choice of niche has an ardent fan base. What could your app help them with? How is it engaging? Is it interactive?
If the competition is tough in your chosen area, you might want to re-think, as even if your app's a good one, you may have a hard time marketing it.
Understand the iPhone and its cousins
If you want to create an iPhone app, you need to understand what the iPhone's capabilities and interface. And probably the best way to do that is to download and play with as many apps as you can, and think about the kind of functionality you want to include in your product.
Get creative
So, let's say you have your niche. Think of the benefits of your app, and write them down. Then get a pen and pad and brainstorm. Think of associations. Write down anything that can be linked to your main benefits - often good ideas come from the craziest of ideas.
Ideally you want to hit on something unique and in some way useful to more than you and your dog. So ask a trusted friend what he or she thinks of your ideas. Stay objective and don't get precious if people laugh. On the other hand, many inventors have been laughed at, so if you are really convinced, stick with it. If you get stuck finding something completely unique, you copy: check out an app you like and figure a way to improve it, enough to differentiate it from the competition.
Hunt down the tools you'll need
So you have your idea for an app and at least someone other than you likes it. Good. Now you need to hunt down the tools you'll need in order to make it. There isn't just one tool, so you'll have to do some research and figure out which one suits your purposes. Ask around on forums and blogs - most people are happy to help out.
Design your app or get someone to do it for you
Unless you are already a bit techie, you're probably better off taking your idea to a trusted developer. Check him or her out, though. Get some recommendations. Places like Odesk give developers a rating. My advice is to go with someone with a high rating from users - then you can rest assured that no one is going to rip you off.
Market Your App
Once you - and your developer? - have made your iPhone app, you have to sell it. And, actually, this is where most people fall down - they don't know how to market and they often can't be bothered by the time they've worked so hard on creating their app. But it's absolutely vital.
Get training in how to make an app
If you want to get into making apps in a serious way, your best bet is to invest in some training. Again, there's a range of choices out there - but in most cases the training assumes you have at least a basic knowledge of code. If you're a so-called newbie, you might not have that. And just as likely you won't be a marketer. So that's two skills you need to acquire. Until you know how you can fulfil all the above steps, it's probably unwise to sit spend much time brainstorming app ideas. Preparation is everything. Check out the courses available now - evaluate, invest, and then proceed with the help of professionals.

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