Monday, January 28, 2013

How To Make Your Own iPhone Apps and Generate a New Source of Income For Yourself

Did you know that you can make your own apps for the iPhone and make a good deal of money. But in order to do so though, you need to know what you are doing and just how to go about doing it. There needs to be a lot of planning in order for you to be able to find any success at it and the key is to work on something you believe in or are passionate about.
One of the first things you need to do is to take into consideration all of the different categories that you can find at the iPhone App store. Games, Entertainment, Utilities, Social Networking, Sports, Travel, Music, and many, many more. You need to look at these and then consider which category you might want to focus on. The best thing you can do is focus on a category that you have a lot of interest and have a lot of knowledge in as well. Don't consider making apps that are going to take an incredible amount of time to download onto someone's phone either. That will not work in your favor.
It is best to just play it safe. Don't spend hours and hours of your time to create some incredible program that may be good, but may lose interest because no one wants to waste their time downloading it. So keep it short, sweet and simple. Some of the most popular apps are simple, are just one page and don't cost much. So keep it that the thinking and try to come up with something that is different yet simple.
After you have come up with your great idea you are going to have to turn that into something that is real. So you will need to be able to sit down and put your idea down on paper. Create a rough draft of it a long with sketches. You will also need to include all the important details you need for it to be able to work and make sense. Your idea can't be vague it needs to have as much detail as possible.
The average person with a great idea is not always the right person to make that great idea come to life. That means, more than likely you will need to hire someone that can take your app idea and turn it into a reality for you. So your best bet is to find someone that will be willing to take on the job at a nominal fee. You don't want someone that wants a large amount of the money you make, just someone that free lances for a living. You do not want someone who demands that your share your future profits with them. You just want someone that turns people's ideas into realities with their skills to write the script or program that is needed.
Once you have your app written this means you are now ready to get it to the iPhone App Store. You will need to sign up for their iPhone Developer Program they offer on their site. This will cost your $99 a year to be a member. However, this is a relatively small amount of money when you can more than likely make that back within a few months if not less once the app is selling. When you send in your app by the way, make sure that the name is original and doesn't match any other names in the store or they will reject it, even if it's an entirely unique app. Other than that you should be accepted within just a few weeks. They usually won't make you wait too long because after all, the sooner it starts selling the sooner they get 30% of the sales from your app.

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