Monday, January 28, 2013

iPhone Apps That Will Rock Your Year

2011 was dubbed as "The Smartphone Era", because of the increasing number of people who incorporate their smartphones into their everyday lives. The secret? It's not the brand nor the operating system that runs it, but the apps that people have grown to love.
Leading the smartphones in this aspect is, of course, the smartphone that started it all: Apple's iPhone. With over a million iPhone apps that is applicable to iPad and iPods as well, smartphones (specifically the iPhone) have transformed from being a tool for communication to a "cannot-live-without" device. And in this current year of the dragon, a lot of more iPhone apps are being developed and has been given promising reviews even before their official availability in the app store. Here are some of them:
1. Vidify
Since Apple's iPhone boosts of its High Definition (HD) quality in its built-in camera, an app has been developed in order to fully maximize the iPhone's HD camera. Introducing Vidify, an app that allows the user to shoot, edit, and add effects to videos. With this app, today's aspiring filmmakers can have access to a smooth production to post-production workflow as it allows them not only to shoot videos but also to adjust video resolution, color grade, and even add audio files into the material. Dubbed as the "Instagram" of videos, this app will surely be a big hit once made available.
2. iCircuit Training
There are many apps available that caters to people who exercise (or for those who try to) regularly. The iCircuit training tops them all (so far) as it contains pre-designed circuits and over 50 different exercises that are easily understood, depending on the type of workout that the user's body needs. With this app, there is no more need to use an equipment or pay high monthly gym membership fees as it also has videos and images that follow with the workout instructions in order for the user to fully understand the workout program that he or she chose. However, the downside of this designed iPhone app is that it requires a stable Internet connection. Still, the promising features of this app makes many gym rats await its availability.
3. Angry Birds was the app that made everyone hooked. Lots of versions of this app was made available, simply because the demand for this game was very high. Recently, another app called Temple Run has been successful in overthrowing the Angry Bird app as many people begun to be hooked to chasing monkeys and achieving high scores. Yet there's another app that seeks to overthrow both Angry Birds and Temple Run: Goldman HD. A game that makes the user collect gold by guiding the miner to blast mines, this is said to be a better game than the previous ones as users are given different types of bombs for the right kind of mine in every situation. Graphics and sound are said to be fantastic, but the game's success will only be determined once everybody begins to demand for this game and has completely forgotten about Angry Birds and Temple Run.
Three of the many apps that are said to be the best for the year 2012. Will they be really promising as they are claimed to be? Or will they disappoint the many smartphone users that depend on these apps for their everyday lives? Only time could tell.

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