Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Create iPhone Apps With No Programming Knowledge

iPhone software development looks to be the new way for the average person to make a lot of money.
Just a few years ago it seemed like all you had to do was invest into a tech stock and if you picked a winner boom you were rich! Then it was domain names, if you thought of a good name before someone else did you buy it then turn around a few months later and make millions on it. So what is the way today?
With the explosion of iPhones it looks as if iPhone software development is the new way to get rich fast the thing about iPhone software development or in more familiar terms "Creating iPhone Apps" is that the creator needs no programming experience or background knowledge about the iPhone at all. So what do people need you ask?
Simple, all you need is a good idea and there are people that do the rest for you. You see Apple is not in the business of creating iPhone Apps at all, Apple actually wants the public to create them, they actually welcome it! Once the app you thought up makes it to the Apple site you get paid every time someone downloads it, you are talking about millions and millions of people downloading millions of apps every day, if your app is even somewhat interesting think of all the money you can make! There is a lot of information out there on the web on how to get started creating iPhone Apps but it is tough to sort between the good info and the bad.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5346779

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