Monday, January 21, 2013

How to Develop iPhone Apps If You're Not a Programmer

It's impossible to ignore the success of the iPhone, and consequentially, the iPhone app craze that goes along with it. There are already thousands of available apps, and yet iPhone users still just can't get enough of them. The demand for cool, new iPhone apps doesn't appear to be slowing at all, and developers are lining up to stake their claim within the growing iPhone app market, wherein popular apps can earn them multiple thousands of dollars a year.
Ironically, many of the popular apps that people download everyday were actually thought up by everyday iPhone users with no programming experience, who simply had a good idea. After witnessing the success of these apps, the question that many newbies want answered is how to develop iPhone apps if you're not a programmer, and how to turn those apps into a profitable income. It's definitely possible, and if the app turns out to be a hit, the rewards can be extremely lucrative.
However, it can take a long time to learn how to develop iPhone apps from scratch if you don't have any programming experience. The everyday person can't usually put in the necessary time to take classes or teach themselves programming on their own. Fortunately, there is an easier way. For those who don't have the technical knowledge to create and develop the app on their own, there is always the option of outsourcing that task to a person with the skills to do the job right. The person with the idea simply writes up an outline of what the app should do, and hands the information off to the developer. Once the app has been created, the person with the original idea can then submit the app to Apple for approval, and earn commissions every time that someone pays to download it.
In order to smooth out the process and make sure that the app turns out the way that it should, it's important to know the correct way to present the idea to the developer. This doesn't mean that the use of technical jargon and code is necessary, because the developer already knows the technical details of how to develop iPhone apps. You'll just need to provide a basic sketch of what you want the app to look like, and a clear explanation of what it should do. By filling in these details, the developer will then be armed with all of the necessary information to turn the idea into a real, working app that can be submitted for official approval.

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